None of us were meant to do this business of life alone. Know this, asking for help is a real sign of strength not weakness. By choosing to engage in coaching with me, I want you to think of it like stopping me and asking for directions, so that you can get to where you need to, with more ease and flow.
The following are all direct quotes from the very first conversations I had with women, just like you, who have completed my RESET for Change programme.
I asked them to tell me “How do you know that you need to do this now?”.
I feel a little lost. A lot lost, in fact.
I just don’t know what to do to get started.
I’m so tired watching everyone else lead exciting lives and doing exciting things and I’m just here stuck.
I’m stuck in a career I hate and I feel trapped. I know there’s more. I just don’t know what ‘more’ should look like!
I’ve looked after everyone else all my life I feel it’s my time now, but I also feel selfish saying that!
I think I’ve become invisible, like what I have to say doesn’t matter anymore.
It feels like I’m at a crossroads. I need you to help me.
I know it’s never too late but it’s beginning to feel like if I don’t do something now it will be.
We all hit bumps along the way, when we just don’t quite know which direction to go next and we need a little bit of support and guidance to navigate the road ahead.
Ram Dass described it so beautifully when he said:
“We are all just walking each other home.”
If you have an appetite for change, if you’ve been feeling stuck and are tired of thinking that change is for other people, then let me walk alongside you on this next part of your journey home.
My RESET for Change programme is for anyone considering or ready to transform how they live their lives.
Here are just some of the things that my incredible clients have gone on to achieve, after having worked with me through this programme:
Enjoying greater clarity on what they want to do next and actually doing it.
Rebuilding their life after experiencing a challenging time.
Preparing an exit strategy so that they could leave a job they were miserable in.
Discovering their purpose and making room to welcome it into their lives.
Rediscovering the self-belief and confidence they once had in themselves.
Ending their people pleasing ways and creating better boundaries and sticking to them.
Releasing friendships and relationships that were not good for them.
Indulging themselves by doing much more of what they love.
Connecting with their soulful, spiritual side.
Learning more about who they are and what exactly they want from their lives, their careers and their relationships.
Chances are, you might resonate with some of the above. But honestly, you might also need something totally different, something that’s not on this list. All I can say is one way or another, we will find it and you will get it!
That’s the beauty of my bespoke programmes - they are as individual as you are.
“The best way I could describe how I had been feeling for the last few years was lost. I liked my job but didn’t feel challenged in it. I loved my husband but felt things had gone flat. I had a nice group of friends but I even felt they had become a little toxic. Nothing in my life was exciting me. But I had no idea what to do about it. When we were going through the first lockdown I used this time to do Niamh’s RESET for Change Programme.
I learned so much about myself. The biggest discovery was that I was deeply unhappy and because of that, I was busy blaming everything else in my life. Once I took responsibility for that, I was able to start working on changing it.
I’m still working for the same company but doing a different job, one that suits me better. I’ve let go of some friendships and invested more time in others and I’ve definitely paid more attention to my marriage. It’s not that everything feels different but I feel lighter, happier. The best thing that the RESET programme gave me was a much better idea about not just what I want from my life but how to go about getting it.”
You are absolutely in the right place if any of this resonates…
You’ve been trying to make changes for some time now but never seem to get them over the line. Yet, something in you is not ready to give up.
You want to transform this part of your life, you’ve been thinking about it for what feels like forever, and you just need someone to help you get clarity on just what that is, how it might look and what you need to do to get you closer to it.
You’ve finally accepted that asking for, and receiving help, is in fact a real sign of strength.
You want to be held accountable and kept on track! You are ready to work with someone who won’t tell you what you want to hear but always what you need to hear.
You’re not sure why, but this feels like it might just be your time. It’s a feeling but a strong one that won’t go away! You’re ready to take the next step.
You’re fed up waiting for things to change.
“There’s no hanging around with Niamh. She cuts straight to it and offers great insight. I felt the overwhelm dissolve in our first conversation!”
You must have an appetite for change.
I can’t tell you how important this is. I guarantee that working with me as your coach will be the most transformative, loving and powerful investment that you will make for yourself.
You have to really want it.
That’s the RESET process.
I’ve used it. My clients have all used it and it has never let us down.
No matter how big or small the change you want to make is; even if you don’t know what exactly needs changing, deep down I’m guessing that something in you knows that this is your time to change, to RESET.
When you start the process of change, you discover not just that change is possible, but that it is entirely possible for you.
What I promise I won’t do…
I won’t turn you into somebody unrecognisable, but I will work with you to restore the best version of you, that you know is inside of you.
I won’t overwhelm you with things to do; but I will move you through this process at a pace that feels right for you, always gently nudging you forward.
I won’t ever chastise you for what you’re doing; but I will show you a way of living your life that will reconnect you with who you are.
I won’t wrap you up in cotton wool but I will listen, nurture and support you at each and every stage of this process.
I won’t tell you what you want to hear but I promise to always tell you what you need to hear.
What I promise I will do…
I’ll get you clarity on exactly what you want from your life and what needs changing.
I will be honest and truthful at every stage and offer real and practical guidance.
I’ll be objective and independent to ensure that the work we do always has you at the centre.
I’ll encourage, inspire and empower you to show up as you with confidence.
I will resurrect that self-belief and faith you once had in yourself.
I’ll equip you with the tools you need so that you can use them forever more.
I will prepare you so that you feel absolutely ready to do the next best thing for you.
I will help you become the woman you want to be. That’s a promise.
“I admit I was sceptical at first about working with a coach. How on earth would I be able to describe what I was feeling to someone else, a stranger, when I wasn’t even sure myself what was wrong or what I wanted to fix. Niamh has those bionic eyes. Not just the ones that see through you, but the ones that help you start to look at things differently for yourself. The RESET programme gave me incredible clarity on what had been holding me back and where it was, I wanted to go. Investing in myself like this was the best thing I could have done as it has given me such confidence in my own place in this world.”
This work is deep.
It is not always easy work and there may be times when you feel tempted to bail on yourself but I’m just not going to let you.
You deserve more.
We will help you uncover just what has been holding you back, to reveal what are the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that have stopped you moving forward. We will work with you to identify the ‘stories’ that you are living your life by. We all have them but we can’t always see which ones aren’t serving us anymore and which ones aren’t even ours.
You’ll discover how to feel better about yourself so that you fully believe you are worthy of all of this. Because if you don’t believe this, you can’t see it and if you can’t see it, you simply can’t be it.
So, whether you want to leave a job that’s making you miserable, or a relationship that’s no longer serving you, or if you simply want to stop feeling stuck where you are, then this is the place you need to be.
Now, let’s get started!
“I’ve always been the one who knew where she was going, the organiser and the planner. I’d take control of every situation and make all the reservations and organise everyone and everything. In recent years, I started to feel like I was leading a double life. ‘Claire, The Organiser’ who everyone expected to see, and the Claire who inside was spiralling and falling apart inside. I really just needed someone impartial to listen, to hear me, to advise me if necessary, someone who could understand what was happening.
I actually came across Niamh on Instagram and watched what she was doing, and saying, for a while. It was like she was talking directly to me. Making the decision to work with her is actually the thing I’m most proud of. It needed me to be vulnerable and open and I wasn’t used to that but she respectfully held space for me, she gently challenged me and gave me such clarity on everything that was happening. She changed so much for me. RESET for Change is a really unique programme, I couldn’t recommend it and Niamh more highly.”
how 1:1 coaching works
You’re here because you need something to change.
I’m also guessing your commitment is tinged with nervousness and apprehension. What if you can’t do it? What if it asks too much of you? Please don’t worry, this is just fear and resistance. I know that you have the answers inside of you, my job is to make you feel secure enough to know this too. And you will.
I’m here now to hold a safe space for you, so you feel supported and heard. I’ll be right beside you, guiding you, steering you, listening to you, working with you, helping you, providing you with all the tools you are going to need to make and maintain these changes.
Here are some ideas of the themes that we cover in your RESET for Change Programme:
Clarity on what you actually want. No shoulda, coulda, woulda here!
Connection – reconnecting you to yourself. What that means and the difference it makes.
Stories – identifying those you’re living your life from and how to start rewriting new ones.
Values – What matters most to you right now? Do you know your values keep changing?
Boundaries - Not as easy as they sound but as useful as you think they will be!
Abundance – Your relationship with money and accepting it’s not always good!
Purpose – When you think ‘I’m no mother Teresa but there has to be more!’
Your Voice – How to confidently ask for what you want and say what you mean.
Personalised Plan – you will leave with your very own plan detailing your next best steps
Let’s schedule a Compatibility Call to ensure that we connect and are an energetic match for one another. That’s important. We are going to need to feel free and fully honest with each other. We are going to need to trust one another and, let’s be honest, we are going to have to get along! We will find that out during this call!
Once that’s all decided, and we have signed off on your payment plan and secured your deposit, we’ll start our work together by completing your detailed Exploration Questionnaire so that you can get very clear on where you are and identify exactly where you want to get to.
We’ll then schedule our Regular Coaching Call which will take place every 2 weeks for the full 3 months. All Coaching Calls happen on Zoom. You will also have access to me through WhatsApp and email during our full 3 months’ work together, ensuring you honour your own commitment to your vision.
your investment:
€3,000 plus VAT
*Payment plans over three months are also available - so let's discuss your individual needs.
This is a true partnership. It’s important you get that! We will both have work to do. Homework will be expected to be completed between our sessions which will serve to keep you focused on your vision. The real shifts and magic happen during this time, trust me!
I will hold you accountable for delivering on ALL of your promises to yourself. I believe in tough love. Accountability is what you are investing in, for you. Alongside all of the very practical work we will do, I’ll insist on you implementing at least one new daily practice which could include Journaling, Meditating, Breathwork, Visualisation, Movement, Energy Work, Inner Child work – whatever you feel resonates strongest with you.
Every session goes exactly where it needs to go.
The question now remains…how much do you want to change? If you’ve read this far, I think we both know the answer to that question, so let’s get talking.
Schedule your FREE Compatibility Call NOW
“If you want to work with a coach who will give you a deeper understanding of why you are how you are, what’s blocking you and getting in your way and how to explore just what it is you can do - so that you can live the full version of your life, then do what you can to work with Niamh. She’s warm, supportive, focused and she won’t let you off the hook. We all need that, I know I did.”