A transformational meditation to help you transform whatever is feeling most challenging for you into your own personal source of power. We’ll integrate the lessons and release the past so that you can move forward with confidence.

Make sure you’re in a safe space as you listen to this meditation. You’ll quickly reach a deeply relaxed state and re-connect to all the parts of yourself. Allow yourself to be led by the hand and guided on a journey with me from pain to power.

In my TOUGH LOVE ENERGY podcast, I share the tools you need to transform your life. Are you fed up of hearing what other people think you want to hear, instead of what you really need? Then this is the podcast for you.

Working through a variety of topics, you’ll leave each podcast feeling like you’ve had your very own 1:1 coaching session with me, along with the practical next steps required to keep the momentum going!

If you feel selfish for putting your own desires first, wonder why you can’t say no, or go along with things because you don’t want to offend anyone. Then it’s very likely that you are ‘people-pleasing’ in some shape or form.

Whilst you may be familiar with the term ‘people-pleasing, what you may not be so familiar with is how and where it shows up for you in your own life.

This quiz will help you identify where and how people-pleasing is present for you and how it may be holding you back.

It’s absolutely no secret just how passionate I am about journaling. I’ve witnessed even the greatest of sceptics be impressed with the changes that journaling has brought into their life.

Journaling has the power to transform how you think, how you feel and how you behave. In this PDF download, you'll receive my powerful journal prompts to help you gain greater clarity in all areas of your life.

Affirmations are a wonderful way to connect with what it is that you really want, and to get your mind thinking, believing and acting as if you already have achieved it.

In this guide to affirmations, I’ll explain what affirmations really are and how you can use them. We’ll then look at how to can create your own affirmations, and just why the words that you choose are so important.

You’ll find lots of examples of affirmations to help you on your way, along with my guide to positive feeling words, so that you always create affirmations with the right vibration, to uplift and inspire you.