Your results are in… and you are ‘The Great Pretender’! 

People-pleasing… pah, it’s so not a problem for you – or at least so you thought! Although you may come across as the tough, confident one in most scenarios, you’re also likely to be the one in total denial! 

It’s likely that you initially feigned little to no interest in the term ‘people-pleasing’, or what exactly constitutes being a people-pleaser, I’m surprised you completed this, or am I? Deep down, you know that this is something that you also struggle with. 

More often than not, this sense of denial is a distraction technique that you’ve used over the years to help you avoid having to confront your own reality. The truth of the matter is that in fact, you do care what others think of you, but to avoid having to face up to that, you ‘busy’ yourself by taking charge and taking the lead instead. Appearing apathetic has been your greatest defence. 

Whilst this approach may have been working for you in some ways, it’s likely that people-pleasing is showing up and affecting you in at least some areas of your life. The very act of constantly having to ‘pretend’ and be the tough one, the strong one, is likely to be tiring in itself. 

Ready to discover more? Your full report is on its way to you now via email - and you can also download it by clicking the button below. I’ll be sharing some further tips to help you over the next few days so do watch out for those!



discover more about your type - download your full report below:

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To support you with changes you’re making in your life I’ve created several Free Resources which are available now on my website: