Bonus Episode - New Year's Meditation

Well, here we are on New Year’s Eve. 

As we stand on the brink of a whole new year, a new beginning, a new chapter, I’m sharing a special bonus episode of the TOUGH LOVE ENERGY podcast with you today. 

It’s a little different than usual – it’s a guided meditation to help you ‘RELEASE & Receive’ as we step into 2022. Come with me as I gently guide you to review and then release the memories, feelings, experiences, lessons and challenges from the last year, so that we can open ourselves up to receive everything that our hearts’ desire in 2022. 

This is an opportunity to think about what the next year can, and will, hold for you. It’s a closed-eye meditation, so before listening please find yourself a safe, comfortable and warm space to settle for the next 12 minutes or so. 

I hope you’ll take some time to work with this meditation and that it helps to ground and prepare you for the energy of 2022. You are ready.

I’d love to hear how you get on, so do let me know. I'll be back in early 2022 with the next season of the TOUGH LOVE ENERGY podcast episodes, featuring myself and some fantastic special guests so do stay tuned for that. In the meantime, do come and connect with me over on Instagram and over in my free Facebook community, The Changing Room

Until next time, much love, 
Niamh x


Niamh Ennis