Episode 14 - The Blame Game

Have you been playing the blame game?

Let’s not beat around the bush. When things go wrong and life doesn’t go to plan, it’s far easier to put the blame on someone else rather than take full responsibility for our actions. This can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, because in so doing, it requires us to acknowledge that playing the blame game, is very likely something that we recognise in ourselves and have done at some stage in our life.

Just like denial or projection, we use blame as a defense mechanism to ward off uncomfortable and negative situations, thoughts, feelings and emotions. So while it can serve a purpose, that does not make it right.

As we’ll explore in this week’s episode, there are several layers to the blame game.  At the heart of this behaviour, is an attempt to deflect away from our own actions as we find temporary relief in holding someone else to account for how we feel. We blame other people because it means that we don’t have to deal with what’s happening right in front of us. It gives us space to breathe, as we come to terms with whatever it is that has happened.

I can think of several examples, where this has played out in my life over the years, and I share some of those with you in this episode. I know that life can be really tough and the truth is, there’s just not a lot we can do about that. But, it’s important to acknowledge that none of us are ever completely helpless and we must be able to take full accountability for our actions and our feelings, regardless of what's happening.

What I do know now is that, it is how we navigate through challenges and respond to the difficulties we encounter along the way, that really defines us. During this episode, I discuss the powerful shifts that occur, when we decide to take full responsibility for our lives and our actions and how you can begin to feel safe to do this for yourself.

I really hope that you’ll find this episode helpful and that it will help prepare you to stop playing the blame game and to take radical self-responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions. Because on the other side of blame, awaits a great deal of strength and healing. And once you begin to put this into practice, you will regain the power, and the desire, to change your life, which feels incredible.

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Until next time,
Niamh x


Niamh Ennis