Episode 5 - What's Your Story?

Hello and welcome to this week’s episode.

We’re often told that the things that hold us back from making changes or trying new things are our fears, doubts and limiting beliefs. Whilst I’m certainly not going to contradict that, I believe that some of the biggest blocks in our way are also the ones that are most often overlooked.

I’m talking here about our personal stories, the stories that we live our lives by. Over time, these are the stories that become such a big and huge part of who we are that often we may not even recognise their existence – nor even more importantly, question their truth.

We all have stories – they might be the stories around, why you are the way you are, or stories relating to certain aspects of your life, such as your relationships, friendships, work and / or money. Because stories protect us, they can become like our own personal suit of armour against the world, whether they are actually true or not.

In this episode, I share about a particular story which I allowed to envelop me, some years ago. I also provide a few examples of how and where stories may be showing up in your own life, and how these stories could be shaping your beliefs and the way you see the world.

Some of your stories may be true, but almost certainly, some of them will be false. What I invite you to consider is that, as our belief systems are rooted in the stories we tell ourselves, it’s hugely important to recognise how and where stories are showing up, so that we can look more closely at them and decide whether they are still serving us.

And of course, in case you thought you were getting off Scott free, there’s some Tough Love Energy™ homework here for you in the form of some journaling questions to ask yourself.

I think you’ll find them really powerful. These are: 

1) What do I believe about this situation and how it relates to me?

2) Is it true?

3) Is it really true?

4) If I had no fear of being judged, how would I feel differently?

5) If I believed I was worthy and loveable, how would I show up differently? And what would that feel like?

6) And if I choose to do what I wanted and release my attachment to these stories, what would be different about how I live my life?

You will also hear how I did the work to move beyond the stories which were holding me back, so that you can learn to do the same. It IS definitely possible to rewrite your story – I know, because I’ve done it, and I hope the episode will inspire you to take a look at your own stories and beliefs, so that you might find the courage to make changes of your own.

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As always, I’d love to hear how this week’s episode lands with you. Once you’ve done the journaling exercise, please do let me know what realisations came up for you. You can email me HERE.

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Thank you so much to those of you who have written in so far and shared how much you’ve been enjoying the podcast – and to those of you who have sent across suggestions for future episodes. I’m already on the case with your ideas! 

Until next time, 

Niamh x

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Niamh Ennis