Release and Receive Part 3 - Receiving 2023


This is the third and final part of my very special ‘RELEASE & RECEIVE’ series. I’m really pleased to be gifting you with this three-part podcast series for you to listen to, in your own time and at your own pace.. Now, if you haven’t yet listened to the first two episodes, please go back and listen to them before listening to today’s episode…. It’s ok, I’ll wait! 

This final part of the process is all about welcoming in 2023 and creating your vision for the next year. Some of us find this part very exciting. But for a lot of us, it can feel very daunting. There is so much noise around at this time of year about changing our habits, improving, growing, expanding, doing something new, being someone new. Perhaps you’ve gotten swept up in some of those messages yourself already. 

The temptation can be to want, and need, to change absolutely everything, all at once. And whilst I appreciate the enthusiasm, this very often leads us to feel totally overwhelmed. We get so paralysed by everything that we need to do and so we end up doing nothing. 

That’s really not what I want for you as we step into this new year, so before we go any further, please do approach this with lots of compassion for yourself. Transformation takes time and very often requires steady, grounded and consistent action. 

As you start to dream up and imagine your new year ahead, remember to stay true to the deep yearnings, the whispers of your intuition and what it is that feels right to you, rather than being distracted by what you think you should be doing. 

You’ll need your notepad and pen again, as we’ll work through another series of journal prompts to help you clear on what it is you want for this next year. We’ll explore what it is you really long for, what goals and intentions you wish to work towards, how you’d like to feel next year and what boundaries you desire to set for yourself in 2023. 

In this episode, I’ll also guide you to set an affirmation for the new year and to decide on your ‘word’ for 2023. If you’re a client of mine, you’ll know how much I love a good morning practice, so I’ll guide you to create one of those for yourself as well. 

The year ahead is yours to make of it based on what your heart really wants. And what is it your heart wants? Listen carefully to what it has to say. And then do that. However long it takes, whatever help you may need, promise yourself you will do it. And believe that you can. Then watch while the magic happens. 

Thank you so much for listening to this series, and I hope you enjoyed it. I’d really love to hear from you and to know what you’re calling in for 2023. Sometimes sharing it can make it feel more real!!

The TOUGH LOVE ENERGY podcast will be back again in 2023 with a brand new season. I very much look forward to sharing more with you in the months to come. 

In the meantime, if you haven’t yet got a copy of my book, ‘Get Unstuck’, I think it could really help you as you step over the threshold into this new year. 

Happy New Year! 

From my heart to yours, 

Niamh xx


Niamh Ennis