Season 2 Episode 6 - Are you Pushing Yourself Too Far?

This week on the TOUGH LOVE ENERGY podcast, I’m talking all about moving the goalposts in our lives. 

Do you find yourself pushing forward to get somewhere or achieve something only to get there and that feeling of satisfaction proves elusive? 

My own coach pointed out to me recently that I have, in her words, ‘unrelenting standards’. Whilst I initially received this as a compliment, after sitting with it for a while, I realised that it should in fact be considered a flaw of mine. 

I know that I expect a lot from myself. I have a tendency to push myself to get as much done as possible, and I’m motivated by trying to do better each time. I believe these are positive traits, and there’s nothing wrong with any of that. However, where it starts to become a problem is when I don’t give myself the time to celebrate or even recognise what I’ve done. My focus and attention are already on the next thing that needs doing. 

The reality is that I’ve always been like this, but it really hit home a few months ago when I achieved what has been a childhood dream of mine. I share the full story with you in the episode – but essentially, this situation has made me realise that I never allow myself to feel like I have arrived. 

To use a sporting analogy, I run up and down the pitch, shifting the goalposts ever so slightly each time I score a goal. And you know what? It’s incredibly exhausting.

My feeling is that this week’s episode will resonate with many of you and I hope it inspires you to consider if, and where, this might be showing up for you in your own life. As always, I love to hear from you, so do let me know if it resonated.   

And before you go, I wanted to remind you about my 5-week self-study course, The Change Accelerator, which is now open for enrollment. If you’re looking to make changes in your life, work or business, this programme will give you the tools to create change with increased confidence.

Find out more here.

Until next time, much love,

Niamh x


Niamh Ennis