Your results are in… and you are ‘The Recovering People-Pleaser’!
As a ‘Recovering People-Pleaser’, you are someone who has begun to do the work around healing your behaviours with people-pleasing, in some shape or form. It’s likely that you’ve had previous struggles with people-pleasing at some stage in your life.
Where once you might have made compromises around your time, energy and happiness to please others, as a Recovering People-Pleaser you’ve learnt (from hard-won experience) that this simply doesn’t serve you.
It’s likely that you know yourself pretty well by now; you know what you want, you know what you need, you know what makes you feel good, and on the flipside of that, what doesn’t. This is a really great place to be.
What this means is that you are now able to navigate through situations that you may once have found challenging, with ease. You are confident enough now to be assertive, and say exactly what you mean, more often. You’re able to say ‘no’, when no is exactly what you mean and definitely what you want to say.
Of course, nobody is perfect and no-one gets it right all of the time. There inevitably will be situations or scenarios, where you find yourself slipping back into old patterns and behaviours and that’s also okay.
It’s important that you acknowledge all of the incredible work that you’ve done already and to ensure you keep taking steps forward to further build your confidence and assertiveness.
Ready to discover more? Your full report is on its way to you now via email - and you can also download it by clicking the button below. I’ll be sharing some further tips to help you over the next few days so do watch out for those!
discover more about your type - download your full report below:
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To support you with changes you’re making in your life I’ve created several Free Resources which are available now on my website: