Your results are in… and you are ‘The Support Act’!
As The Support Act, you make the perfect wing woman. You’re the person that everyone wants to have standing in their corner. Your modus operandi is to support and hold others up.
You see this supportive function as a deeply bonding exercise, standing in the shadow of whoever is the centre of attention, making sure that they have everything they need to maintain their place under the spotlight.
You are the perfect Number 2! You work hard, tirelessly even, to ensure that you prove yourself indispensable and essential. Your innermost motivation is a deep desire to be needed.
Whilst the supporting role is an important one, your over-commitment to the cause often means that you dim your own light so that the other person can shine. You’ll very often put your own needs last and bend over backwards to ensure that everyone else has what they need.
Of course, you may not feel you receive the recognition you deserve, which can lead to resentment, bitterness and feeling unappreciated. Whilst you may not want the spotlight, you do deserve to be celebrated for your own unique gifts and talents of which, there are likely to be many! It’s time that you take a step back and acknowledge yourself for your true brilliance.
Ready to discover more? Your full report is on its way to you now via email - and you can also download it by clicking the button below. I’ll be sharing some further tips to help you over the next few days so do watch out for those!
discover more about your type - download your full report below:
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To support you with changes you’re making in your life I’ve created several FREE Resources which are available now on my website: