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I know Change. My life was turned upside down 10 years ago and everything and everyone that was part of my world were taken from me. I grieved and frankly I was lost. But slowly, I started to put my life back together and while there was so much all around me that I couldn’t control, I remember thinking “what if I choose to focus on the parts I can control and change them?” 

Four years ago, I left my permanent, pensionable job and made the decision to turn my passion into my business and created a very successful online business. I’m glad to report it is now a thriving business and one I get so much enjoyment from every single day. In the early days, I made some mistakes, which taught me so much, and now I want to impart that information to you to save you time, get you moving and empower you to set up your own business.

In this BOUNCE BACK programme, we will focus on the three key themes of Career Change, Transformation and Mindset. Using all the tools I have acquired in my work as The Change Coach, I will inspire and empower you in the most practical way to get started on your own business. 

Be prepared to work hard but also be prepared for the incredible feeling of achievement that’s waiting ahead for you! 

This marks the beginning of you bouncing back bigger and stronger!


The areas we will work on together will include, but not restricted to, the following:

THE BUSINESS – Refining your idea and helping you create a strategic plan for your business. 

AUDIENCE – How to create, locate and grow your audience. Finding your Tribe and building your community.

MESSAGING / BRANDING – How best to communicate your services and your offers. Defining your brand identity and personality. 

WEBSITES – Do you need one and what are the alternatives? 

COMMUNICATION TOOLS - How best to use them in your business such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, Facebook, Calendly,

SOCIAL MEDIA - Finding your key platforms and channels. Which is most appropriate for you and how to get started. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, 

PR & MARKETING - Visibility – how do you want to show up, when and where? 

SUPPORT & ASKING FOR HELP - how to engage with Virtual Assistants and other resources to help with the areas you feel weakest.

MINDSET – The importance of implementing a new Daily Practice to look after your mind as well as your business!

THE FINANCIALS– how to arrive at the best pricing structure for your services and offers, the significance of revenue scaling and the importance of monitoring your expenses and remaining focused at all times on your Profit & Loss sheet.


You have recently lost your income source, due to the pandemic. You feel a little lost but are slowly getting ready to come back out fighting!

You had been thinking for a long time about creating your own business but you just never seemed to have the time to do anything further about it.

You find yourself working from home with more time on your hands.

You are unhappy in your current job and feel like the Universe has sent you a stark reminder to chase your dream!


If this is calling to you, if you feel this is the kick you need, then let’s jump on a FREE Discovery Call and see where to go from here. I promise to get you focused on everything you will need to get real momentum behind what it is you want to do. 

You can expect Workbooks, Templates, Exercises, Videos and additional supporting materials to assist you throughout the programme.


I am offering this ‘BOUNCE BACK 4 Week Programme at the special price of just €888, and will take on a limited number of new clients to work with, to ensure that I can dedicate the time required to each one.

We can’t ignore what’s happening all around us, that uninvited and unwelcome Change has come into our lives. With it comes the realisation that we cannot control so many of life’s events but what we can control right now, is how we adapt to these changes and this includes our business!


My intensive Four Week Programme will guide you through the steps required to develop your business idea and even consider taking it online. Maybe this is the right time to make your passion your business or to follow that little idea that you’ve been harbouring for a time when you had more time! 

None of us ever wanted to witness what has happened to our lives, our economy, our country and to our communities because of this global pandemic. But slowly we are getting ready to BOUNCE BACK.

So many of you have lost your income streams and your jobs, but as you are processing this new reality, some of you are also starting to think about what you can do to next. In searching for some positives, amidst all this messiness, maybe this is the kick you needed to make that pivot in your career, follow through with your seedling of an idea for a business or even to turn your passion into a business.

Well, now is the time to BOUNCE BACK.

Join me for my intensive Four Week BOUNCE BACK Programme where I will share with you everything you need to know to develop your idea and get your business up and running.  I've done it now let me show you how!