welcome to WHAT IF!


A very warm welcome to What If! I am so pleased you’re here and I am so looking forward to embarking on this journey together with you through this programme. Over the course of the five weeks, I’ll be giving you the tools, knowledge and confidence to unlearn your past behaviours so that you’ll feel worthy and deserving of a life that up until now may have felt beyond your reach.

A few quick practical details:

  • You will shortly be receiving a welcome email confirming your purchase of the programme. Please read this email carefully, as it contains important information and links for you to be aware of. If you don’t see the email right away, do check your spam folders, and if you’re a gmail user, please also check your promotions and updates folders, too. If you need further support, please email info@niamhennis.com.

  • Add the call times and dates to your diary now. We’ll be meeting for five calls together over the coming weeks, with the time of our final call (and Completion Ceremony) to be agreed on as a group once we get started. Here are our call dates:

    • Tuesday 7th November 2023 - 1pm

    • Tuesday 14th November 2023 - 7pm

    • Tuesday 21st November 2023 - 1pm

    • Monday 27th November 2023 - 7pm

    • Tuesday 5th December 2023 - time tbc

  • You also now have access to the Members’ Area, which is where all of the programme content will be stored. All our call replays will be uploaded here within 24 hours of each session, along with the workbooks and any other resources shared as part of this programme. Your login details will be the username and password that you set up when you registered for the programme - remember to keep these somewhere safe!

Click below to go to your Members’ Area:


Once again, thank you for joining me on this journey. and I’ll be in touch again very soon.

From my heart to yours,

Niamh x