Welcome to Module Two!

If you don’t believe you deserve to change, you’ll find it much more difficult to make that change to happen. In this module we will look at rebuilding your confidence in yourself and restoring your feelings of self-worth.

Together we’ll work to identify the fears, limiting beliefs and stories that are no longer serving you, and are in fact, getting in your way. Once you can release these blocks you will believe so much more in your ability to achieve change.

Enjoy this module and do make sure you’re also taking time to complete the exercises in your workbook as you go along.

(Workbooks are fillable, so that you can edit them directly on your computer. To access them, download the workbooks to your computer first, and then open the file from your computer and complete it. Remember to press save once you’ve finished!)


I firmly believe that rebuilding your confidence in yourself can be so incredibly powerful when it comes to making changes. In this video, we’ll take a deeper look at just why self-belief is so critical and also explore what prevents us from feeling this way.

We’ll then begin to identify what it is that is blocking you from accessing your own inner confidence so that you feel ready to rewrite the story and reignite the spark of confidence inside of you.


We all have stories from which we live our lives by, and in this video, we’ll look at identifying which ones you are living from right now.

Have you considered that many of the stories you believe about your life, might be out of date or might not even be yours to begin with?

Revealing what these are and the part they play in your every-day life will be significant.


In your final video for Module Three, we’ll explore some of the key things that tend to hold us back. We’ll do this by recognising, and challenging, your own inner critic by acknowledging just how this voice is different from what you really think and believe.

We’ll then look at our tendency to engage in ‘comparisonitis’. Instead of focusing on what not to do here, we’ll focus in on how you can shift your attention to something more constructive and practical.

Lastly, we’ll look at the concept of ‘catastrophising’ and how we are so quick to imagine the worst outcome and believe it to be true. In becoming aware of our tendency to engage in these behaviours we are reducing our attachment to them!