Can you believe it? This is it, you’ve reached the final module! A massive well done for getting here and all the hard work you’ve done so far. Module Five is about giving you the final push to move forward and begin making the changes you desire with confidence.

Change requires you to choose courageously and, in this module, you will discover how to implement changes in a way that always feels right for you. We’ll look at detaching from your drama, accepting responsibility for your life and being brave enough to change what needs changing, every time.

No more excuses, no more feeling like the victim and no more feeling stuck. This module will leave you feeling fully prepared, excited and ready for change. Let’s get going!

(Workbooks are fillable, so that you can edit them directly on your computer. To access them, download the workbooks to your computer first, and then open the file from your computer and complete it. Remember to press save once you’ve finished!)


In this video, we’ll begin to put all the work we’ve done together, and dive into the topic of courage and bravery when it comes to making the changes you desire.

You are perfectly poised to create long term and sustainable change; what we’ll look at now are some additional tools and things to think about to help you in the long term. We’ll acknowledge where you may be attached to ‘drama’ and how you can begin to let this go.

We’ll investigate the idea of giving yourself permission to change: because if you don’t allow yourself to do it, no-one else will! And then lastly, we’ll look at the idea of forgiveness, of both yourself and others, so that you can move forward and embrace the changes you want to create with a willing and open heart.


In this video, we’ll look at how you can be more unapologetically you. This is a powerful mindset shift that will help you in your onward journey. You don’t ever need to apologise to anyone for wanting to be more than what you are right now.

We’ll also look at rewriting the next chapter of your story.  We looked at this together in Module Two and by now, you’ve likely got a very good idea of what needs rewriting.

We’ll then look at how you can bring this into reality and what you can do to create change now. We’ll get really practical here and break it down into more easily accessible parts.


You’ve done it, you’ve reached the final video. Hurray!

In this video, I’ll remind you of exactly how far you’ve come and share some final thoughts and tools to help you prepare for your next stage. We’ll work through some exercises to help you feel extremely safe and grounded as you move forward from here. 

This is your invitation to take everything you’ve learned inside of this programme, put it into practice and create the changes you wish to make. You’re ready. Can you feel it?



Congratulations!! It’s such an achievement to have completed this course - I’m so proud of you.

In celebration of what you’ve achieved, I’ve made a special certificate of completion for you, to download, print out and keep as a reminder of all your hard work. You can download your certificate below - and remember to write your name in first!